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Tommy is a fucking idiot and is very stupid.

"Yo, i fucking hate Tommy!", "Yo, Dude, me too!"

by Tommyhater69_ January 24, 2024


Tommy has the smallest dick in the world he is packing like 1 inch so tiny so never date a tommy and did i mention that tiny ass dick of his

tommy has small cock

by sigma ohio November 29, 2023


Tommy is a gross old man who likes girls who are barely adults. He is one major creep. Best to stay away from this rabbid invasion looking ahh creature, needs to be put down.

Bro also sounds like an uwu gacha boy man thing who secretly watches gacha heat because the missing princess rejected him so he big sad gacha uwu emo boy who always wears a hood to hide his ugly pedofile ratouille looking old man ahh face.

Mom: "OMG! Stay away, it's a Tommy."
Girl: "Why"
Mom: "He eats little girls"
G: OMG, he's old and looking at your rack
Other G: Oh...He must be a Gacha uwu Tommy

by urmomisinmybedqueenbarb January 19, 2024


The perfection, and the most sweetest guy on earth.

He is so charming and probably is an angel that fell on earth on accident๐Ÿ’•

He knows how to make you laugh and he may be a savage at times, but he is the most accepting human being you can ever meet.

Your heart melts just by hearing his voice, and he is the reason why you know what love is. But he's way too pure to notice you have feelings for him ๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜ž

"Tommy didn't notice my feelings again! Even though I made it so obvious.."

by NekoTan1220 June 19, 2017


What game is he not better than you at?

Boy 1: Bro I'm so bad at this game
Boy 2: Tommy isn't

by The Big Black Yogurt November 23, 2021


Tommy is the Gamer. Having ties with Minecraft the name Tommy radiates skilled Gamer. Being the best in online competitions and known for having moderation abilities for large online communities. Though they may lack in real life ability they only grow stronger in qurantine.

Person A: Dang I just lost this match to Tommy
Person B: Makes sense, Tommy is the Gamer.

by TheGamerNTC October 29, 2020


best guy ever.

Tommy is the best guy.

by tommy_123456789 October 25, 2023