The Guys at the gym who yell out YEAH! when entering the gym, or after finishing of workout.
These guys normally wear loose singlets, have huge muscles and also many tattoos.
Often friends with trainers and other huge roid raging yeah guys.
Guy 1: Wow, that guys lifting like 150kgs.
Yeah Guys:(after he lifts the weights): YEAAAHHHH!!
Late 80’s phrase. Use this comeback when someone says a negative or derogatory statement about you you would then reply yeah yeah your momma.
Used as a response when someone expects you to care or get it, but you really dont.
Or when someone blurts out something akward/embarrassing but they dont realize it.
A: i miss my girlfriend
B: yeah dude, totally.
A: My spotify wrapped came in! My top three was TV girl, Mommy sleeping aid ASMR and beabadobee!
B: yeah dude, totally.
are you good boii? OH yeah yeah yeah yeah
Da amusedly-puzzled remark dat you make when someone wif a major foot-fetish is going all vocally-and-physically ga-ga over yer ten lower extremities.
Tolerant big-boned tomboy, perplexedly watching as her new main squeeze is having fun exclaimingly yanking her big feet back and forth like gear-shifts and delightedly flexing her ample rubbery double-jointed digits back at a right-angle in his savoring hands: Yeah, yeah; toes --- so what?!
Or in other words... Yeah. Pronounced in a valley girl sort of way with lots of sass. Means yes (yeah, for sure. ) Said when replying to an obvious question or when agreeing with someone.
Friend 1: Those shoes are soo cute! Don't you think so?
Friend2: Ch-yeah!