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Something said by small dicked stupid people who’s features were made in Microsoft word

If you E(s) it you are the definition

by The cactus man June 24, 2022

S Rahul

S Rahul is synonym for Loud Speaker and Shamina

S Rahul is a Mental

by Poda Potato November 24, 2021


A person named stephen that drinks alot of liqour.

My Nigguh stephen (A.K.A SDrink`s) drank a whole 750ml of Bacardi (Liqour)

by xxphantom August 19, 2011


A certain four friends that are different shades (skin tone) of chocolate, attractive, embrace their culture, and embrace eachother.

Do you know if snicker(s) is at this track meet today ?

by Snick4life August 25, 2017

S day

S day, otherwise known as an Suicide day is a day when u give up, depends on people mood, sometimes it can be today sometimes tomorrow sometimes never.
Known Moto is "I think my s day is coming" "My s day soon" "S day is the best day" and etc.

I think my s day is coming

by dr.alexei March 12, 2023

1👍 2👎


Clean Word For Shit or Fuck, For Use Around Parents Or Children Or Whenever Swearing Is Not Allowed

Oh Shazm(s) I Dropped My Croissant

Oh Shazm(s) I Have Work Off Tomorrow

by CleanSwears December 28, 2018


another word for a hoe that more than likely lives in Louisville ky.

that Sarah girl is shot! I can’t fw her no more, I should’ve known when all her friends were shot(s)too.

by playboichance December 13, 2020