This is a sex move where you both link arms and the male inserts the hardened cock into the wet pussy (or the arse if it is another male). If it is 2 girls, one girl licks the other girl's wet pussy and with her arm grabs the receiving girl's tit. If there are more than 2, everyone link arms and just have sex.
John Marston- 'Cowpoke, me and Abigail had arm sex yesterday. It was cool.'
Arthur Morgan-'I wish I could do that with Sadie.'
When a boy and a girl love each other very much and he sticks his lubricated pp into her wet kooter with the sole purpose of having a baby
The tiny-dick man preformed mature sex with his lover on the floor of an Arby's bathroom
A sex-offender is someone (typically male) who has a registered Reddit account. The Redditor is a commonly-used slang-term for the ancestral-branch of the Human family tree, the Neanderthals. Redditors have evolved to have strong sexual attraction towards the feet (Of typically underdeveloped females) instead of the breasts, penis, vagina, or thighs. Redditors also rely on their diet for a portion of their sex-drive and hormonal influx, their diet includes: 2-week old Doritos and Vodka (Only for the averages.) Redditors also usually have a higher chance of passing an STD.
A person that illegally has sex with people
Person one: Haven't you heard that the guy next door is a sex offender?
Person two: Your uncle lives next door to me.
“Did you hear about kaidyn I heard he fucks children”
“Is he a registered sex offender”