A fat person; the "nice" way to call someone fat or to refer to someone who is fat when you are too weak to tell them the truth.
"Two high calorie humans wanted for allegedly setting fire to an apartment in Toronto.
"two WHAT?"
Most overrated school in Washington County Utah.Snobby and spoiled kids\teachers that think they are God themselves
Person 1:Hey you want to go watch the football game at Crimson Cliffs High tonight?
Person 2:We can't be friends anymore
Person 1:What? Why?
Person 2:You dare to step foot anywhere near those snobs and I don't want that shut spread to me.
Saint Francis High School is the place to go for juul parties in the bathroom. If your student doesn’t get an A or is the best at a sport they will be rejected and have no friends, this is the place to send the “good” catholic boys and girls. Don’t forget to prayer every single day or you will be forced to sit and pray all day. If you’re looking for a school that can teach about hell just by experiencing it, this is the place for you. Everyone is all amen and shit and if you aren’t then you are humiliated. If you are a student here you should probably leave as soon as you read this because I know you wanna take of those dumb uniforms.
Guy #1: So you go to Saint Francis High School?
Guy #2: Yeah, I’m Catholic
Guy #1: hehe amen and shit
Guy #2: you’re going to hell
Guy #1: actually I’m gonna stay at my school thanks
School full of absolute losers and shitty athletes. Their athletic facilities may be the biggest waste of money I have ever seen. They get butt fucked in football yet their in the IAC!!!! Fucking Prep is considered good at football there. If you ever wanna see an EHS kid, just go to Bradlee on the weekend and they'll be at lacrosse unlimited in all vineyard vines even though they suck dick at lax. They also sweat SSSAS kids hard and get invited to nothing.
SSSAS Kid 1:Jesus who's that fag with the ray bans and wallabees .
SSSAS Kid 2: Goes to Episcopal High School. What a fag, probably sucks of everyone to get invited to our parties.
Prep kid: Your all irrelevant losers stfu
A school where anyone can be anything they/them want, football boys wear jerseys and walk with a waddle, while girls wear lululemon. But we will accept them no matter what they identify as.
I go to wellesley high school, so I can be a korean dictator or even poop in a litter box, a nurse even told me she would provide me moist kibble in the cafeteria.
A school where anyone can be anything they/them want, football boys wear jerseys and walk with a waddle, while girls wear lululemon. But we will accept them no matter what they identify as.
I go to wellesley high school, so I can be a korean dictator or even poop in a litter box, a nurse even told me she would provide me moist kibble in the cafeteria.
A school where anyone can be whatever they/them want, Football boys wear jerseys and walk with a waddle, while girls wear lululemon.
I go to Wellesley High school so I can be anything, even a korean Dictator, or I can walk on all fours, one even poop in a litter box.