When someone has no idea of how a subculture works and has no willingness to lurk but still pretends to know everything about said subculture. Commonly seen on various forums, large and small.
People with Pretender Syndrome have no will to assimilate to the forum culture and will instead attempt to force their own ideals onto the community. They will take basic surface level knowledge (ie memes) and spout them with very little knowledge of the memes themselves. Often completely misuse the memes as a result.
Attempts to name the jew will result in autistic screeching.
Hey, that tranny's got Pretender Syndrome. He's completely shitting up our forum with his ideas of diversity and equality. Let's ban him before he ruins it
When a person after eating pizza feels disgusted by the thoughts of other pizzas.
-Oh I just ate a whole pizza now I get the post pizza syndrome when I look at your pizza.
Blue Car Syndrome, Also known as Frequency Illusion, or Baader-Meinhof phenomenon; Occurs when a new idea or object (like a blue car) is brought to your attention, that thing or idea will then abruptly begin appearing more often in your life, almost as if by coincidence.
Usually this is your mind noticing a new pattern which it previously ignored, in favor of information you were already aware of.
"I learned this new word, then the characters in all my favorite shows started saying it. Weird, but probably Blue Car Syndrome"
"I bought an old used Toyota, and now I see the same year and model everywhere I go! Definitely have Blue Car Syndrome"
when you feel like only eating breakfast food
it wears off after eating but in some cases it can be long lasting, peranant, or fatal
i got waffle house syndrome right now
Mother fucker has a prolapsed anus!
AKA Tangerine syndrome
He's a tangerine syndrome
When you stupid boe hoe ass hit tripple 19 while aiming at 20
This only happens to gay niggas with severe autism
Ah shit that nigga got gveric syndrome better hide my cock
Small man syndrome is the devastatingly disabling inferiority complex invariably associated with the completely and utterly debilitating death sentence disability of manletism (the catastrophically crippling condition of being a manlet, a diminutively dwarfed male shorter than 5ft10). Relentlessly driven to ever-greater extremes of manlet cope, manlet mathematics and guy height by the well-deserved bullying that the microscopic midget manlet constantly endures at the courtesy of disgusted women and laughing manmores for being a small man syndrome-infected Little Napoleon, the severely stunted small man syndrome sissy manlet can often be detected in public while loudly yelling at his mother on the phone because she wore his favorite pair of high heels again, dancing a merry jig atop of a bar stool in front of microbiology labs while dressed like a tiny, little leprechaun, begging for spare change to buy his fix of height boosting insoles in the parking lot of your local Foot Locker and crying tiny tears of manlet rage while furiously dry humping the pole of low clearance signs. Manlets, when will they learn?
Gemma: Lol, why is Kevin "Horrid Homunculus" Hart sobbingly driving around in a toy car while girlishly throwing his massive collection of high heels at that group of, by comparison towering, children over there? Anais: Classic small man syndrome. Short people got no reason. Gemma: Silly manlet boys...