This is the act of shouting surprize right before you rape someone thus making the kidnaping legal in a court of law.
Surprize Sex Scenario1: *guy attempts to rape girl*
Girl: FIRE!!!
*guy gets caught, is thrown in prison and gets raped for life*
Surprize Adoptin Scenario2: *guy shouts surprize before raping girl unwillingly* Girl: I like surprizes!!!
*They all lived happily ever after*
Someone that is constantly on the lookout for sex, and will do anything to receive it. Sometimes with or without consent.
“Yo can you help me pack my bags?”
“Only if you have sex with me”
“Bro stop being such a sex prowler”
The one being used in South Africa to try and force guys to get vaccines. Are there really a lot of oversexed husbands and significant others that would be at such a loss if the sex ended that they couldn't go on, and had to get a vaccine? Taking a stand does have a cost, but that doesn't mean it isn't worth a small sacrifice of a relationship with no sex if a guy really is determined not to get a vaccine, and not to let anyone push him into a line, including a female. You either stand or fall in line with the others.
If you've had any time in your life that you were celibate as a guy, you can think back to that, and even if it wasn't easy, you know you'll make it through because you have before. There might even be some good to come out of it, you won't know if you panic and say yes honey, I'll do whatever you want, I'll get an estrogen shot for you, just please don't stop fucking me (you can keep emasculating and pussifying me until you get your way). You don't have to get fucked to live, it's a luxury, not a necessity/requirement. If you want a life, you have to fight for it, otherwise you will keep falling in any line and wearing any covering the government or any other serious looking and sounding person tells you to without questioning them. They have stopped short of saying people should don a suit for nuclear holocaust to go outside, since people would know that was a silly thing to do, or order someone else to do. The no sex vaccine push by females shouldn't deter a committed guy from not getting a vaccine, and some guys will hopefully want to get one even less after they hear a female say that.
When you have a Sexy Dream, that is both horrifying and arrousing at the same time. Some people still get off on their Sex Nightmares.
Ria loved having a Sex Nightmare that involved a wheel of cheese, black ribbon, fancy panties and a man with condom fingers chasing her.
Sex (most of the time drunken sex) you have no memory of. You draw a complete blank who you were last night until you face them in the morning.
For futher reference see : american pie beta house
Jacob (calling on a cell in a girls bed): dude i had total blackout sex last night with a total hottie. I think"
2 second later a very overly muscular woman came in the room carrying breakfast to his shock
In argument with JARED TO (THE FAGGOT OR FAG) throughout history is the problem.
THE CONCENSUS well , how TOXIC CAN WE GET JARED and not be against that as to truly serve up the TRUTH IN THE WORLD.
EVERYTHING YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT SEX BUT WERE AFRAID TO ASK? presented by a REUBEN SEXOLOGIST fails as both HOMOSEXUALS and not HETEROSEXUALS are the GRAVITY of the problem and how TOXIC it has to get to inform the concensus they are the OVERWHELMING CONCENUS OF PEDOPHILES.
So DR DAVID REUBEN as pay attention another REUBEN SANDWICH at hand is that how does a HOMOSEXUAL get that COCK or PENIS into that ASSHOLE has he has to force it up there as the ASSHOLE does not lubricate like the VAGINA and it hurts plus the FAGGOT wears out and not only that it is SEX AGAINST NATURE as clearly where in EVERYTHING YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT SEX BUT WERE AFRAID TO ASK? shows clearly that these FAGGOTS and their DICKS call themselves GAY and all I met are far from happy so it is shown the hostility off THE INTERNET where ASSAULT AND BATTERY as well as MURDER takes place on the natural vulnerable human body.
This ASSHOLE DEXTER who seemed at first to be problematic anyway with that ADDICTIVE CRUSTAL METH gave CRYSTAL GEYSER WATER to show that the LAST CRY GREY SHITEATER will be the bigotry of showing THIS FAG GUY the book EVERYTHING YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT SEX , BUT WERE AFRAID TO ASK? by having WOOD CLEANER in the shower next to the AXE BODY SOAP presented a real TOXICITY TO IMMEDIATELY CAUSE INSTANT BLINDNESS if applied to SCALP or anywhere else since it contained METHANOL but JEWISH ANAL ALAN elected the SWAGGER BODY RINSE for far more conceited reasons
"dude, lets do some walk in pantry sex"
"ok sure bro"