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peesh balls

1. Slang for 'Peach Balls', a optional topping at the frozen yogurt shop named 'Soyo'.

2. A replacement curse word, ie; "Oh peesh balls! I stubbed my toe!"

1. "Hey, wanna come to Soyo? We can get some peesh balls."

2. "Peesh balls! That pasta was hot!"

by White girl 101 June 19, 2014

Sounds like water's traveling through your balls

A phrase used to say someone is so stupid that they can't even reproduce, they just have water for sperm because they can't even do what all living things are supposed to be able to do. This can be used to talk about women to say that they are stupid, but it's mostly men.

"Like I said before the Bible says the Earth is flat."
"You're going through the same arguements with no other evidence, it sounds like water's traveling through your balls, man."

by AndrosLesbian June 17, 2023

Morning Star Balls

When its so cold outside your balls get hard and iced up

“Man my MORNING STAR BALLS are growing icicles

by December 21, 2020

Dragon Ball gt

Worst fanfiction

-Worst fanfiction ever made?
-Dragon ball gt

by gtbad March 10, 2017

balls are funy

balls are funy

boy1:balls are funy

by dodododoododododododoodododd September 15, 2022

coochie balls

coochie balls is a gender neutral term that can be used as either a cuss word or to describe someone with an unspecified gender’s private parts.
It can also be used in a lighthearted manner when reworded.
Similar to the ways the words ass, cock, dick etc

Example One:
Person 1:“I have really bad cramps
Person 2: “your coochie balls hurting again?”

Example Two (Cussing):
“Suck my fucking coochie balls”
“This is a bunch of coochie balls”

Example 3 (lighthearted)
“Yo bro we are coochie ballin’ in this match”

by Not At All Loz August 4, 2022

Ball Court

Ball court is a place where many people play and many people sit down and play subway surfers.

Mustafa Fell Over At Ball Court”

by Gugumachu July 18, 2022