Hilarious sketch on Saturday Night Live
Have you seen the ambiguously gay duo? They are totally steam blowing.
Consists of people named Marchello,Bri,Char,Jacob,Greyson,Jaylynn,Taylor,Ash,And Natalia
A insult used by many 6-12 and can easily be reversed by using a reverse card or saying no u
Bob:ur mum gay
Eric:no u
I mean if I was someone's mom then it would be true- anyway it can be used as an insult to people who call you gay. (if they call you gay it might mean you are and just accept it)
Person A: Ur gay lol
Person B: No ur mum gay.
Commonly used as an insult but not actually true
Kevin your mum gay
Steve No u
the insult to tell your opponent that his/her mother was actually a lesbian and his/her father had no balls and he/she is probably aborted. Usually used on internet fights
××_memer_xx: anime is trash lol
_anime.is.life_: ur mum gay xd
xx_memer_xx: ):