An exaggerated way of saying someone in their late teens/early twenties looks young for their age. They may be chance look actually 15 but usually they look a little older than 15 but younger than their actual age.
22 year old: Could I get a litre of vodka please?
Cashier: Do you have ID on you?
when you are about to lose your virginity and go off the rails and have the police called on you 😷😈 la chocolate
okay in 2 months i will be 20. yes this is my year. the egg about to crack. hahahahhahah its going down. boring ass.
1. When you want to be asocial and hermit, but you have to socialize and be out and about.
2. When you find a happy medium between being asocial an being out and about.
1. “I am mentally herm-abouting”
2. “I am herm-abouting in my sweatshirt and acting unapproachable”
popularly used in videos that could be written as comments
oh no no no no you’re not getting a dog don’t even think about it girl
A phrase stated when wanting someone to consider your thought or opinion.
"But think about it, Pavlov probably thought about feeding his dogs every time someone rang a bell"
is when you get over excited over some event soon to happen
mike's party is going to be de best in history im so pump about it
Here is the beautiful place we call Cumbria. We have ITV Border News and Look Around. But that's not what it's called... here in Cumbria it is called border crack (border news) and deek about (look around)
Enjoy your day of nothing. Good bye
Boris is my Prime Minister. Up the UKIP
"What are you watching?"
"Border Crack and Deek About"
"Ok, thank you for the conversation"