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A slang term for "Baby Boomer". Also a slang term for "Brandon Firk-Ass".

Brandon - "What's a Boomer?"

Everyone Else - "You."

by AytchPii May 7, 2021


A stupid old person who we can never respect

God took at the stupid boomer over there, let’s push him down

by Dhdjdmrnxhzma December 7, 2019


A tall, very good looking man who resides in Miami, Florida. When he isn’t taking breathtaking mirror selfies, you can find him dancing the night away at Space.

Boomers are known for being very humble despite being gifted in many things 😉. Women are often honored to even meet this incredible man.

I saw Boomer at the club last night, he is so sexy.

by Definitely Not Boomer November 23, 2021


Nola_Thot otherwise known as Jayson with a y

Me:Bro have you heard of Bola_thot
My friend: No who’s the hell is that
Me:He’s a TikTok boomer

by Sassy_Sassi26 November 2, 2019


old people with alot of wrinkles and flaps on their skins and has stomach rolls. also somebody that things gen z sucks

''God, your such a Boomer.''
''back in my day...''

by Gorilla_Boi_9194 March 8, 2021



you are a boomer

by Lisena July 10, 2020


english teacher who is mentally deranged.

- Why is sorkin such a boomer?..

- Idk pal, it really sucks!!

by coochie_muncher January 9, 2020