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Douche Kill

Camping in call of duty or other fps in totally fucked places with the gayest weapons possible. Gayest weapons can include but are not limited to sniper rifles with acog scope, silenced shotguns, tomahawks, grenades cooked in a suicidal fashion, dual Uzis, energy hammers, c4, urine, sea urchins, power legs(duke nukem mp), rpgs, throwing knifes, and of course bags of dicks.

laying prone at the top of ladders with a shotgun. Laying prone on stairs waiting for a fag to kill. Sitting behind a door.Where no one has every tried to camp before, so they would never expect it is really the general rule for true douche kills. Personally i like to duck behind a desk like a boss with a shotgun while making quotes such as ya fired, or step into my office, we do not negotiate with fags, Im the boss i need the info, etc.......JUST BE A DICK AND YOU TO CAN DOUCHe KILL

by Dymeleon January 10, 2013

Gargle a douche

A nicer way to say 'fuck you in the mouth' by inference. This is especially bad when said to a heterosexual man.

You can go gargle a douche, dude.

by dallas_starfall February 13, 2016

douche cough

noun. A jet or stream of water that expels air with a harsh noise.

"douche cough"

by angry monkey on a boat! June 26, 2009

Douche McGoo

Someone who acts stupid.dumb ass

Brett is a Douche McGoo.

by hardly_33 April 26, 2008


1. A person who goes out of their way to be an extreme douchebag; more so than a douchebag, but less than a Douchesaurus-Rex. 2. Alternate description of a douchebag

Eric was being such a douche-basket the other day, don't you think?

by Travis Shade January 3, 2009

Topman Douche

A male who unimaginatively sources all of his style ideas, dress sense and clothes from the catalogues of brands such as Topman or ASOS. Thus looking slightly behind the latest trends and 'wannabe' Hipster.

A Topman Douche might wear - Low cut v-neck tshirts, salmon pink turned up chino shorts, Tortoise shell Raybans, boat shoes, denim shirts, cable knit Norwegian jumpers etc...

by Wilarteve April 8, 2013

douche riot

A douche riot occurs when a group of "lads" or "bro's" take part in any douchey activity,most commonly a series of high 5s.

Setting- Gym.

4 guys
1 guy setting up 225 on the bench with three spotters.
3 guys to spot him
Guy on bench descends weight 5 inches and gets help with the rest; the douche riot begins with everyone taking part cheering and ends after everyone in the group has bro hugged everyone else

by ChunderMonkey December 3, 2013