The most annoying guy you could meet; nigger
Girl 1: you know that kid Edward
Girl 2: yeah
Girl 1: he is so annoying
Edward is a Traitor sometimes he won't mean it but he doesn't think before he acts so he will allways let you down and get things wrong Lost cause
Edward is someone who is loving kind and could deserve better but instead he lives a horrible life lost a bsf lives in a toxic home but can’t be saved from it.
Edward is so goofy but he’s sad deep down and hides it from everyone
Edward is the sweetest person on the whole planet and no person could ever replace his kindness and cuteness and his stupid fucking jokes that are not funny.
Find yourselves an Edward folks.
"if you want to make your life better find yourself an Edward"
Edward is a guy with a huge Dick and great athlete. He is sweet and unselfish to everyone. But if youre mean to him hill kill you. He also loves Basketball.
Edward is a person who is a huge Naruto fan, Edward also hates Bleach a lot and likes to watch k-drama.
Edwards are generally very nice innocent ppl and their favourite word is "dattebayo".
Person : hey edward what up ??
Edward : dattebayo