national go eat girls named jenny’s toes day
“it’s february 6th” “yea dude let’s go suck jenny’s toes”
Narcissistic crazy moms are born on this day
Hey when was your moms birthday again?
Oh that, it was on February 9 why?
Wow your moms a bitch!
Bitch, just a badbitch badass.
"-Oh! you r born on February 9 ?
-Bitch, bitch."
A day kind angels are born on. Being born on February 9 is a very lucky day and month to be born on. You will become happy and successful in this beautiful world. Please treat these people kind as they will give you good luck. Your really lucky if your friends with someone born on this day. They are funny, good looking, kind and great humans.
i was born on February 9
February -0th is national 'Noclip Day'. Everyone on February -0th has to noclip. Too bad humanity hasn't vanished yet. This is because the event cannot occur due to it being on the -0th day in February.
Person 1: "Hey guys, it's February -0th. You know what that means!"
February 16 is the National throw a car battery in the ocean day. If February 16 happens to be your friends birthday, you have to help him throw a car battery in the ocean.
Birthday boy/girl: yo it's my birthday bro
Friend: oh shit happy birthday bro, it's February 16th so we gotta throw a car battery in the ocean.
Birthday boy/girl: No doubt, let's get this shit!
A day to post all the pieces of shit that lead you on or just wasted your time. #theywastedmytimeday
“It’s February 16 so Happy they wasted my time day to this scumbag”