Joey is a unique individual you’ll meet only once in your life. She may appear rather distant at first but once you get to know her, she has the most interesting personality. She is someone who is very emotionally intelligent and makes those around her feel safe and comfortable. She never fails to spice up conversations though not everyone may get her humour. Joey is someone you can trust and is someone who is extremely beautiful as well.
Friend: Hey should we ask Joey how to do this math question?
Joey: giggles
Joey is a person who devastatingly attractive and loyal to a fault. Joey is kind and compassionate and a courageous defender of the dignity of all people. Joey’s eyes are bright and piercing. Their body is like a Da Vinci sculpture - exquisite design, tempered, but fiercely sexy. Don’t even think about kissing Joey or you’ll lose your heart. Joey’s lips are both soft and firm, full and tender. Just being in Joeys presence will get you tingling. Be friends with Joey - they will never let you down.
Joey walked in, the group smiled and cheered, and I immediately was able to breathe again because I knew my heart was safe.
1. A young kangaroo, still in its mother's pouch
2. Coffee (joe) that gives you the energy to bounce around, like a kangaroo
3. French slang for "j'adore lui" ("I love him")
4. While not often used, the word "Joey" can also mean a wonderful boyfriend. This rare specimen is tall, dark, and handsome, and while not in peak physical condition, is always warm and great to cuddle with. He is extremely devoted to those he cares about and will listen to and try to fix their problems. If you're lucky enough, he will kiss you and make everything okay.
4. Once you find a Joey, you're set for life with a hard working protector.
My Joey means the world to me.
Joey is a go-getter.
a white guy that built like a guitar and only eats ramen
Look theres a Joey ! *points at guitar
Joey’s the type of boy or man that will tie your shoes for you so you don’t have to bend down. He’ll open doors for you and say the corniest things. Joey will buy you flowers and your favorite candies because he knows you love them. Whether he goes by Joe, Joey or Joseph, he’s still most definitely going to be so sweet. He has the stupidest sense of humor, like laughing at a wall. Joey is the guy that your grandma calls a cutie. Ladies and men, keep your Joey, he’s completely worth it.
“Joey’s the type of boy you could bear hug!” —My grandma
A Chinese girl that likes to eat asian snacks and is always enthusiastic. She is a FOB. The type of person to hang out with her little cousins friends and not leave them alone. FOB MATERIAL!
Joey, leave us alone, you’re a FOB. Joey how do you not know you’re a fob. Hey joey lets go to the market!
He is a nice guy and acts very gay and kind but he dates your ex’s and stuff and he has a lot of friends who are fake but some Joey’s have mates and none fake friends but like Joey is a nice person.
Did you know Joey’s gay