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London Legs

London Legs is similar to the term "Sea-Legs" in a way that you are able to stand on London's public transport without stumbling constantly.

Rachel: Hey Kris, see that tourist, he obviously hasn't got his London legs yet.

Kris: Oh yeah!

by rachduckzilla January 23, 2014

leg twitch

Refers to someone whose been shot in the leg and still run for cover with the disabled leg. In Chicago, it's called Jimmy legs

Head Ice (Battle Rapper from Harlem used it against K Shine) " Real killers aint gotta givem a dead kit, you can already tell how their leg twitch"

by JsCid November 16, 2015

Chicken legs

Chicken legs is normally used to insult someone such as the school Thot Liv burdon

"Liv why have you got chicken legs?"

by DaChickenLegGod May 5, 2019

Grow a leg

Seeing something that makes you hard. I.E. third leg. The old kick stand. Tripod.

Your mom makes me grow a leg.

by 2veedubs January 25, 2020

leg iron

Your significant other, usually referred to when married or have been together for a while.

How’s the old leg iron?
Aye she’s fettling well, bloody moaning cow

by Dogburster October 29, 2020

Peg leg

When someone is a hobbit and can't walk on one leg good.

oh my god! You have such a peg leg! Does it hurt??

by pPPDBWEFVHIWU3HRTRFD March 22, 2017

peg leg

The limp someone has from being fucked in the ass with a strap on.

My best friend had a peg leg for a after getting pegged for the first time by his girlfriend.

by Amorous Ape June 19, 2020