Liberalism is a mental disorder that makes people think that everyone who doesn’t agree with them is a racist, sexist, homophobic bigot. They often get degrees in Gender Studies and then later on they blame everyone other than themselves for not being able to pay off their student loan debt.
“Hi, I’m a liberal and you are racist and sexist and there are totally 234 different genders. I should know because I majored in gender studies.”
A liberal is someone who is unable to be normal. They are all ways complaining about Trump and are affended by everything. A liberal is always one sided and never can see the other side. If you encounter one in person, be careful or you could get cancelled.
That liberal over there is really annoying.
An absent minded person, a person with no logic , someone part of a political party that believes inflation and communism is a act of the American way, a person so open minded their brain has fallen out, someone part of a political party who believes no American should have rights and that mandates should be in place to manipulate and control the citizens,
The liberals are the reason America is falling apart in 2021
A fucking retard Joe Bidens ass out here running our country get this guy a pillow he needs to take a nap
People who believe Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8 is the last one before Chapter 3
"Hey, did you know that Chapter 2 Season 8 is the last season before Chapter 3?"
"Liberal detected"
Liberal used to mean “willing to tolerate a lot of different ideas”. This is in STRONG CONTRAST to people who are now called/call themselves “liberal”, who are opposed to any ideas different to their own. They are, in fact, RIGID AND DOGMATIC in their beliefs and actions,.They are INTOLERANT of ANYTHING BUT THEIR OWN NARRATIVE (a psychotic mix of lies, perversions, delusions, and paranoia that they espouse, despite evidence from their eyes and ears, science, non-rewritten history, authority (except by Socialists) and purposefully crafted to oppose the beliefs of a majority of Americans.) They are even intolerant of scientific facts, unless they can be MISREPRESENTED, SPUN or CHERRY-PICKED in a way that is NARRATIVE-FRIENDLY. They are intolerant of any speech that is in contradiction to their WORLD VIEW, which they call “hate speech”(that is, they HATE TO HEAR IT.)
Moden day Liberals are, in truth, LEFTISTS. The name “liberal” has been totally perverted and stripped of its original meaning, and is an undeserved monicker that Leftists hide behind.
LIBERALS probably make up all of the <40% of people who approve of Joe Biden’s presidential blunders and displays of incompetence.
LIBERALS support Communist Racist Transformation being tought in public schools, which brands young white children as racists and anything that helps them as evidence of “WHITE SUPREMACY’”.