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Wyatt the gay lord

wyatt he is a gay lord mmmm i love pepe and i am a massive puff and i fuck farm animals

oi you know that wyatt the gay lord geeza he is a puff

by weepingilord June 13, 2019

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Edge Lord

A person that is obsessed with Internet memes such as Amin Yashed

Hey guys adam is a total Edge Lord

by Coralo March 24, 2017

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Time Lord Rock

A genre of music given a name by Alex Day (nerimon on YouTube) in 2008, who was inspired by what was happening with Wizard Rock (Wrock). Time Lord Rock is commonly referred to as Trock. Time Lord Rock is music that is inspired by the long-running BBC Television Program, "Doctor Who" and "Doctor Who" actors David Tennant and Matt Smith are known to enjoy the founding band, Chameleon Circuit.

Matt Smith himself approves of Chameleon Circuit's song "Big Bang Two," a Time Lord Rock song based on the season five finale of "Doctor Who".

by Flikety January 30, 2012

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Lord Waffle Beard

A person or thing who tries too hard to be funny by being "random", i.e. Invader Zim , Foamy the Squirrel. Think old Hot Topic shirts and 13-year-old anime fans .

"Lord Waffle beard is such a omg hold up teh spork!!!! Random name"

by Blitz7x July 11, 2018

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Lord Rick Neck

A condition involving someone who has given oral sex to a guy, and ejaculate shooting down the wrong pipe, getting stuck in the person's throat. Days later, with the spooge mass still lodged in the throat, the person panics, forgetting the blowjob, and believing the mass to be some kind of infection or inflammation. This poor soul can't afford healthcare, and for some reason fears the E.R., so he is left trolling the internet, begging for free medication to treat the phantom infection, generally hamming it up with sob stories about having no friends and being walked out on by everyone in his life.

This is loosely based on the life of Lord Rick, a "paranormal investigator", who is constantly whining and crying over such things happening to him. Check his Myspace blog if you need verification.

Hey, did you hear about Steve? He blew a sailor the other night and now he's got Lord Rick Neck! What a moron.

by SeeThirty February 22, 2007

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Good Lord there's penice!

An expression used when someone online tricks you into looking at gay porn.

guy: google gay sex

by ComradeWave April 12, 2023

But my lord, this is impossible!

An exclamation used by Mediterranean ship captains in Medieval II Total War when you give them an order that cannot be followed.

"Yes my lord?"

Proceeds to click on land whilst the ship is selected

"But my lord, this is impossible!"

by Flaminghorse July 30, 2018