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When you are so depressed that it's your only way of escape. Sure you can get pleasure from it, but it's temporary. And then you get even more depressed. Like cigarettes, It begins as a very fun and new and exciting process, given that you just discovered your puberty. But over the years, you just get tired of it.

You get tired over it and want to stop this once and for all. But you can't. You can't because it's just so addicting. It's basically self harm but a lot, lot less painful and harmful. But its still tiring. You can't stop. You regret ever starting it. But it's your only way of escape, from all your pain, suffering, and tiredness. Ever time you masturbate, you feel absolutely ashamed, pathetic, miserable and like an absolute piece of shit.

You start by feeling horny as fuck, either you probably open p*rn or just create pictures in your head of whatever fetish you have. I mostly have a fetish of female neck movement, and (partly) NATURAL and NOT FORCED female hiccups and burps. Enough of that. After that you hold your cock or shove in pussy (depends if you're a boy or girl. I am of the former.) And then you pleasure yourself as if you're having sex, but you actually don't. Many use lubricants like lotion or oil, or soap when you're in shower. but I personally prefer dry. I mostly masturbate during shower and before sleep. It's shitty, really.

Corbin: *goes to sleepover and can't masturbate*
Corbin: "guess I won't sleep today. I really need to masturbate. But I don't wanna. Man, my life just keep getting shitter."

by Joshua Joestar (MvN) June 20, 2022


something most people do, and- oh, i see you're doing it right now, horny bastard. I'll wait.

something most people do, but not a lot freely admit it. the act of sexual self-stimulation because you cant get any bitches. touch grass.

i just masturbated to this sexy definition

by Kennu Silvadhd November 27, 2023


What people do when they are horny

You probably are horny right now, so here goes nothing

*He dimmed his lights, his heart beating in anticipation. His pants felt too tight, and he sat down on his chair, opening his laptop. He clicked on porn hub, and luckily he was home alone so he played the dirty moans at full volume. He put his palm on his pants, feeling his hardening cock. He pressed against it, shuddering in pleasure. The video intensified, making him even more desperate, so he quickly unbuttons his pants and lets his dick breathe. It’s slick with precum, and he keeps his eyes glued to the hot video as his fist closes over his thick member. He lets out a shudder, then pumps his fist, slowly at first. He then starts going faster, thrusting his hips into his hand, jerking himself off. He feels his cock get heavy, ready to cum. And he stops. He knows it’ll all pay off when he has an even better orgasm after edging. He pants, his high going down. He slowly rubs the tip of his cock with his forefinger and thumb, whimpering. Then he enclosed it in his fist again, slowly getting faster and faster as his moans mingled in with the videos. He felt his cock fill up again and his balls tighten, and with one last thrust, he orgasmed. Hot streams of cum shot out from his cock, splattering on his stomach. He shot far, and kept rubbing his cock as he went down from his high.*

I was horny so I masturbated.

by superhornydefinitions March 19, 2024


Let’s face it. You’re in the 6th or 7th grade and you were asked during truth or dare if you masturbate and decided to look it up on Urban Dictionary to save yourself the embarrassment of not knowing what it means. Well here’s the definition: “To stimulate the genitals for a jolt of pleasure (orgasm).”

Friend one: Truth or Dare
Friend two: Truth
Friend one: Do you masturbate?
Friend two: Yes
Friend one: Lol that’s so weird
Friend two: *Looks it up on Urban Dictionary that night to save themselves to embarrassment of not knowing what it means*

by You don’t know me irl lol May 8, 2022


jerk off

I would masturbate all night

by qqqqqqqqrrrrrrrr November 15, 2021


A man grabs his dick and strokes back and forward to pleasure himself

Did you know that Andrew loves to masturbate

by 2swagggrrr November 5, 2021



To stroke your penis up and down until white shit comes out the top.

I masturbate every night.

by Joetherealone September 29, 2021