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Flag Horror Movie

The Worst Horror Movie In The World

Your Mom Is A Flag Horror Movie-Henry Danger

by Bob And Logan May 21, 2022

Food Movie

A Movie that is good to watch while eating a meal or snack.

Yo The Hangover is such a good Food Movie, man! Lets order some zaa and watch it!

by LRockizzle June 27, 2010

Elephant Man Movie Syndrome

What happens when a person watches a movie "based" on a true story and believes everything that happened in that movie is actually true.

The fact that many people think that Joseph Merrick's name was actually John Merrick is a case of Elephant Man Movie Syndrome.

by everythingannoysme March 23, 2014

Movie Whore

Someone who is addicted to watching an assortment movies

"Hey nick"
"Yea jim"
"When are you gonna stop watching movies you movie whore

by Nicholas Horna February 18, 2021

Trolls Movie

A celebrations or festivity with friends and loved ones to gather together and watch the trolls movie among other great films.

Hey guys! Let’s go watch the trolls movie at Mitchell’s house!

by Flaminmemes February 27, 2024

My Movie

An iMovie export file which someone forgot to name.

For our news final in US History, Mark uploaded "My Movie 42" and the teacher threw it out, what a fucking dumbass.

by entitytheunwise May 23, 2024

Harry Potter movies

Porn between homosexual people

Ex. Wanna watch Harry Potter movies

by _.ruby._ March 6, 2021