Kinder Egg Is an Dangerous Weapon If you see a nigga with it he boutta do some crazy shit.
Yo Look at that nigga he got a Kinder egg He Dangerous
The best gen on mudalads as Rebirb is dead sometimes and ched is not poggers
Cum is awesome here and we hope you use the word
Person 1: Cum
Person 2: Cum lol
Person 3 : Cum isn't funny
Everyone : FALSE!
Person 4: I sure do love General-Egg
A nug of weed that's been singed on the outside, but still has green on the inside.
Yo, don't dump that bowl! There's still a thunder egg or two in there!
When you have explosive diarrhea and it ricochets around the bowl and hits your nuts
I ate a lot of bacon and when I emptied my bowels I ended up with a spotted egg
1. Word used to describe unnecessary mechanics of a video game, filler content in a game.
(Term coined from a ProZD skit.)
“Man I hate it when games have basically all egg delivery content and zero actual gameplay.”
Also pronounced “Turdle Egg”. After you have had a turtle poking its head out and you take a raging dump, sometimes your left with a lil nugget of poo up your bum that you poop out later. Thats the turdle egg...
Daniel was getting light headed because he had a turtle poking its head out. After dropping the kids off at the pool he realized that the turdle had laid an egg which ended up having a piece of corn in it so HE WINS!!!
Turtle Egg! Fo Evah!
An egg that a parakeet lays duh
That parakeet egg tasted like shit