A pizza decorated with Pineapple, the dish is very hated by Italians and young Americans.
ew, i would never eat pineapple on pizza.
pineapple on pizza is supposed to be illegal, not trying to spread hate but seriously, show this to your pineapple loving friend to prove them wrong! -sincerely google!
Claire: i love pineapple on pizza!!
the majority: sorry, what?
Claire: what do you mean what?
the majority: your literally insane-
IBella (youtuber) got roasted by some random dude in brookhaven.
"pineapple head"
The girls want better insulations so the teachers don’t hear them talk about peas and pineapples.
A Coke bottle filled with piss.
Jo, don't touch that. That's my pineapple Coke
When you're having sexual intercourse with a girl from behind, you stop and as soon as she ask's why you stopped you hit her over the head with a pineapple.
Dude I pulled the Pineapple delay against Michelle last night.
The sexual act of inserting a pineapple up the rectum and having it tickle the tubes while ripping and bleeding, but inducing overall enjoyment.
Oh dear there is so much blood coming out of my anus, I must of got a tickley pineapple last night.