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Dsmp Simps

A cult of Minecraft lovers simping for block people, and occasionally the actual people.

P1: Why are those people wearing smile masks with yellow shirts and holding a sign that says las navadas?
p2: Thats the dsmp simps cult.

by AshCantFocus August 28, 2021

46πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Simp Milker

A woman who keeps taking gifts from a man she doesn't care about. Even though he is infatuated with her.

Roxanne is the biggest SIMP MILKER in the world. She's gonna take Doug for everything

by festerq105 February 24, 2022

Simping Chad

A Simping Chad is someone who has achieved the ultimate form of Simpiness and Chadliness. He now possesses both qualities and attributes of a Simp and a Chad. He is the ultimate lifeform.

Hirito A.X.E is a Simping Chad.

by Anonymous Simp April 12, 2021

Simp Slut

A truly strange specimen that goes against the laws of human nature. A simp slut is a female that, for some fucked up reason, has a fetish for simps. This phenomenon to this day cannot be explained by any scientific experts. Simp sluts are truly rejected by society all together. The girls do not claim her, and the boys throw her to the streets. The only people that fuck with simp sluts are true simps themselves.

Damn bro is that what I think it is? Holy shit, its a simp slut! Mom, get the camera!

by theurbanpoet69 April 25, 2020

20πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Simp Queen

A female social figure that attracts all the simps (male based followers)

Person 1: "Look at all of those simps trying to get a response from her..."
Person 2: "Dude. She's a Simp Queen!"

by Super_kyle July 16, 2020

20πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

No Simp September

A challenge where you are not allowed to simp for ANYONE!

Most Jesser Fans: We want Moochie in 2Hype look how hard he's working

Antoine: Stop simping its no simp September

by JesserFan69 September 4, 2020

244πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

Super Simp

A man who has gone far beyond being a simp and has become far worse

Someone who is so taken over by the constant need for Pussy or girls that it’s the only thing they talk about
Super Simps spend most of there time talking to girls nonstop but failing to even get anything at all

They will do anything if they think it will get them some action with a girl they will white knight, make multiple accounts to beg to be unblocked, and even pay females for a little love

Super Simps are the lowest class of simps

β€œI caught jamel being a super simp I heard he was paying for premium snapchats and making multiple accounts begging girls to unblock him”

by Not Dylan rooberts January 28, 2020

35πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž