Source Code

The sleeping barber

When the bush is to thick and u have to trim HARD, while she's asleep. Then finish the deal.

When she went to bed she was bushly and angry...she awoke silky smooth...thanks to the sleeping barber;)

by The Demon Barber September 2, 2009

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When you get so pissed off and go to sleep and you get no rest from it. The you wake up more or just as pissed off as your were before.

I didn't get any sleep last night because of my hate-sleep. I swore in my sleep all night.

by QME LOPEZ January 29, 2011

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Sleeping card

When you text/call someone and they hit you up the next day and or later that day with "I was asleep" when you hit me up earlier/last night etc.

Ex. 1)

Bry: Hey girl can you work tomorrow for Brandi she is sick.

JoJo: "Opens phone reads texts" oh I don't feel like replying I'll just "wake up late tomorrow" & tell her I just got her text.

Jojo: Hey girl I was asleep when you sent that/called, I would have worked for her though IF I would have known!

Ex. 2)

Just got off phone with this person or you saw that their bitch ass tweeted and or posted something on FB.

(10:22) Shan: Hey girl are you still coming over?

Kara: ___________________

(11:04) Shan: um so call me and don't use the "I'm sleeping card" with me, I just saw your tweet! Stop faking!

by Miss SLS April 6, 2011

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sleeping with the homies

a way of saying that you are "having sex" more specifically "a threesome"

Is sleeping with the homies gay?

by kdefinitions March 15, 2020

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Sleep Twerking

The act of expressing ones self unknowingly during slumber.

"Damn Sue, I woke up this morning with 100 ones in my underwear. I must of been sleep twerking last night."

by Laurence Tibbits April 27, 2014

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Eternal Sleep

You've risen beyond normal rest. This is the highest form of existence, yet you found it's nothing but pain. Eternal sleep is forever... I'm so sorry, I didn't want it to be this way. Please forgive me. God help your mortal soul.

Friend: "Yo my G what you doing tonight?"
Me: "Eternal Sleep, my time has come."
Friend: "What? you good?"
Me: "I'm sorry, goodbye."

by CommunistGaben_ September 6, 2020

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v. The dancing of an extremely tired, nearly asleep concert-goer, though nodding off the person continues to move to the music.

Common at music festivals due to sleep deprivation, and hours of standing.

Did you see Todd sleep-jamming at the Umphrey's concert? He was loving it.

by sauter January 28, 2008

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