The act of using Myspace, Facebook, or Twitter hours a day, in the name of being more social, at the expense of actually being social.
You don't have any friends.
Yes, I do, I have 300 friends on Facebook. I'm social.
No, that's social masturbation. Maybe you should go to a party or something.
32๐ 29๐
The social sciences are the fields of academic scholarship which explore aspects of human society. Social sciences may draw upon empirical methods and attempt to emulate the standards of conventional scientific practice. By contrast, other social scientists employ critical analysis or hermeneutic methods to study objects of enquiry they regard as inconsistent with the scientific approach.
Social science is commonly used as an umbrella term to refer to a plurality of fields outside of the physical sciences and the arts. These include: anthropology, archaeology, communication studies, cultural studies, demography, economics, history, human geography, international development, international relations, linguistics, media studies, philology, political science, social psychology, and social work.
Weber's most famous work reg., social science is his essay in economic sociology, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, which also began his work in the sociology of religion. In this text, Weber argued that religion was one of the non-exclusive reasons for the different ways the cultures of the Occident and the Orient have developed, and stressed that particular characteristics of ascetic Protestantism influenced the development of capitalism, bureaucracy and the rational-legal state in the West. The essay examines the effects Protestantism had upon the beginnings of capitalism, arguing that capitalism is not purely materialist in Karl Marx's sense, but rather originates in religious ideals and ideas which cannot be solely explained by ownership relations, technology and advances in learning alone. Wikiped.'s answer!
32๐ 27๐
The real and inescapable fear that most of us will never get to collect a dime out of a system we spent a lifetime paying into.
I think I have Social Insecurity, because Uncle Sam denied my disability claim.
14๐ 8๐
so what is social justice?
it is being equal no matter who you are and what you are like. hence socialism.
192๐ 217๐
A social get-together that involved the auctioning off of boxed lunches/dinners prepared by the women. A potential sweetheart might let her man of choice know how she had decorated the box she prepared so that he would be the one who would successfully bid on it. He who bought the lunch would share the meal wiht the one who prepared it.
Betsy decorated her boxed lunch with daisies, in hope that Sven would bid on it at the box social.
49๐ 47๐
Groups that kids/adults put you in mainly in highschool like prep geek jock emo goth stoner ext.
Guy #1 "Hey wanna get high?"
Guy #2 "Oh, you must be a stoner..."
Guy #1 "What is wrong with that Social Groups?"
16๐ 11๐
An excuse to avoid people you don't wanna see during the Corona pandemic.
Girl: I'm not doing anything today.. so bored...
Me: Wanna hangout?
Girl: oh....Umm I'm social distancing right now.....
*Girl posts on story with her and a group of people later*
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