Somebody that runs their finger, under their runny nose then licks it.
You just licked the boogers off your finger, you (booger licker)!
a fucking retard who thinks licking forks is better than sticking them in the electrical socket.
Guy 1: So you lick forks, don't you?
Fork licker: Shut up spoon sucker.
When someone doesn’t know it’s called a Clit
Awe man you almost hit me in the Clint Licker
When you’re an idiot and don’t know what a clit is.
Person J: hit me in the Clint Licker.
Person A: like Clint Eastwood?
A person who licks the female anatomy
I am a mussi licker I love licking mussi
The female equivalent of "Poll Smoker".
A woman or man who eats pussy or performs oral sex on a woman with great enjoyment.
I ate Tina's pussy so well, I bet she is thinking I was a lesbian lab licker in a previous life.
Illegal on other planets.
Bro look at that doorknob licker, I bet he gets arrested by tomorrow morning.