When the writer uses caps randomly in words. The writer is also supposed to spell most words incorrectly.
Dude: John, you dont seem to well today.
John: wUt dO yoU MeEn?
Dude: You are writing all wierd. Are you writing in Tard-Text again?
John: yAh, dATs BiCUs i jOIn dEH tARd cLUb.
The ability to walk along the street whilst writing a text and avoid all oncoming traffic without looking up from your phone.
Dave: "Did you see the way that girl just changed direction without looking up from her phone, she was on a serious collision course with a pram"
Jon " yeah, she must have text sense"
When u use emojis in snapchat or tect that scare People
🧶😃🧶😃🧶😃 stop text abuse me now
The process of checking on someone or something by texting
Have you heard from Bob today, he is late to the botton factory. No, I am text-checking him now.
When a person keeps texting you every thought that crosses his or her mind relentlessly...no matter how inconsequential.
Geez! Arthur keeps babble-texting me every ten seconds! I don't care that he loves his morning coffee!"
Someone u text hey to however they ignore it for the whole damn day yet say hi to you out of nowhere in person
I texted Maddie a while ago but she just walked up to me and said hey 5 hours later.
Person2- dude what a texting stupneck
A Text Rapist is a person with no patience who cannot stand to wait even a minute for a reply when texting. A text rapist will bombard you with text messages until you reply. If you never reply, they will blow up calling you horrible names and writing you off forever, in an attempt to bait you into replying.
7:02 pm Hey, want to hang out tonight?
7:03 pm Hello?
7:04 pm HELLO?
7:10 pm Stupid bitch. You're ugly as hell, I don't actually like you.
*example of a text rapist in action*