When something or somewhere is really really really cold. Almost as if you were in the North Pole
The classroom was north pole status, I needed 3 sweatshirts and a blanket.
A question pertaining to the status of a Stoner.
Status being what they are or are not smoking.
(Note to the editor: I realize that is terrible up there. But if you could please just clean it up a bit. I am sure you catch my drift. Thanks. EC )
Example 1:
Stoner 1: Hey man what's your Stoner Status?
Stoner 2: Aaaww man... I got caught with a dime. I am off for a bit.
Example 2:
Stoner 1: Dude I got some sweet bud! What's your stoner status?
Stoner 2: Oh a just bought an eighth man. Smoke out?
A person or comment who kills the mood you were trying to create with your status.
status: im so sad today. life just isnt fair.
status spammer's comment: WELL TOO BAD EMO CAUSE IM SOO HAPPYYY!!!
When Someone Beats you 5-0 or more goals without them scoring showing complete humiliation on how bad they are at the game
I just Facebook statused John, He is terrible at Fifa.
How French Canadians say: "Is that you?"
*Answering phone...Hello Claude, statue?
Claude: "ya it's me."