Friend: Download Twitter so i can talk to you
A battleground for racist trolls and hypocrites who have nothing better to do
A guy called me fat on Twitter
A popular app where most drama happens, most being so stupid that the drama gets so big.
“You should name your bird Twitter! Cuz ya know, your bird is blue.”
“Too late, I already named him Blueberry.”
“*Aggresive grunting*”
a website where you can't have an opinion. you're not allowed to share opinions, jokes, or use the godforsaken term "freedom of speech". there are three types of twitter users. one; the unproblematic user. it's self-explanatory, just look at the name. two; the troll. take these types of users tweets or profiles with a grain of salt. it's all satire and isn't meant to be taken seriously. three; the crybabies. these users are usually found in the "over parties" or can be found wherever you see an opinion. they can't take jokes while simultaneously make jokes themselves. they take offense easily and usually trigger a reaction from more and more people... creating a thread of comments. crybaby users are usually part of stan twitter. especially kpop stans on twitter.
person one: man, i got attacked on twitter because i called kpop kpoop... it was a fucking joke.
person two: that's just twitter for you.
a place where people meaninglessly fight online, or look for their favorite porn artist
person 1:man i love to use twitter, have you seen whygena's_sketchbook
Person 2: no who the hell is that, shut the hell up
People who use Twitter and likes cancelling someone for a stupid reason are little 2 braincelled Goblin eared Fish smelled Pizza brained Sewered pit Underarm smelled Mouth puddled rotten cabbaged, And sensitive little troglodytes.
Pov: You are A
A: Olive oil is White people oil.
B (Sensitive Twitter Troglodyte): HEY YOUR RACIST!! GET CANCELED
A: Calm down its a joke you sensitive troglodytes.
Legend says if you risk it, you’ll lose your fucking brain cells…
Oh man. Time to see what type of drama is on twitter again…