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k west

Rhyming slang for the best

"im K West in the game"

by Gary Biz July 2, 2008

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Jason West

A worthless faggot who looks like a rat and is know for being an a**hole

That Jason West should have never been born

by All knowing human February 8, 2019

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West kingsdown

No1 in Kent

Wkd , West Kingsdown place where the realist are @

by Kingsdown hood worriers October 30, 2020

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Kevin west


you know that Kevin west kid? He is sooooo stupid

by Kd May 13, 2015

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Kanye West

A. a term used for overall dissapointment at a Tennessee music festival named Bonnaroo, in which Kanye kept 50,000 would-be fans waiting for over 3 hours on his late-night performance one year. As the night progressed, instead of talking to the crowd and explaining what was going on so they could watch other acts, Kanye blamed everything on the stage workers, who had set up hundreds of shows before Kanye ever was invited to Bonnaroo, thus alienating said fans from other potential musical experiences.

B. A term used to describe anything that is unsatisfying during said Bonnaroo Music Festival. Often times, groups of festival goers will chant "Fuck Kanye" sparatically, even 3 years after his failed performance.

C. Term used to describe anyone acting like a selfish ignorant dick mouth.

A. "Man, I thought this band would be better...they're actually pretty Kanye West."

B. Words of chanting festival-goers at every Bonnaroo since Kanye visited, starting the Sunday after his weak performance: "Fuck Kanye, Fuck Kanye."

C. "Quit being such a Kanye, you are ruining everyone's buzz."

by El Bandito Cellular October 3, 2011

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Kanye West

The autism is strong in this one.


- The research subject of many studies on delayed mental development.

- Kanye = 'disgust' in the Ewe language of Ghana/Togo

"Quinton is the ego personified."
"He's Kanye West!"

by an ulcer October 4, 2019

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Kanye west

Kanye west is the best artist ever he is the goat as well as the sexiest man alive and anyone that hates him just wants to be him did i mention he is sexy talented and has bug kissable lips

Kanye west: yo yo im kanye west
Person:you are sexy

by Thebsst August 7, 2023

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