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chicken selects

Finger-shaped chicken nuggets, normally deep-fried

I bought some McDonald's chicken selects and they were hard.

by Saints February 28, 2005

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chicken teeth

An argument that is cowardly or weak, and lacks sharpness or focus. Chickens don't have teeth.

In the debate, the candidate's position was chicken teeth.

At the press conference, the spox gave a chicken teeth response.

by yes juanito yes March 17, 2015

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Cashew Chicken

As the name so cleverly implies, cashew chicken is a dish with chicken and cashews sprinkled on it... The dish was created in Springfield, Missouri. I had never heard of it either until I went here, the locals go crazy for it so don't tell them it sucks (and it does) or they will track you down and sacrifice your first born to Trump.

Person 1: "What the fuck is cashew chicken?" - literally everyone not from the Midwest.

by Story Time for Rednecks August 10, 2019

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Pedello Chicken

2 or more pedellos are hired from a beach.. all of them pedal out "in search of a continent (africa)".. last one to turn back wins.. just like the normal game of chicken.. just you end up in shipping lanes or shit

Those 2 guys in Ayia Napa last year that got rescued from major shipping lane that played Pedello Chicken

by FBJ November 17, 2009

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butt chicken

A game of chicken involving the finger of one person, and the anus of another. The object of the game is to get the finger as close to the anus as possible.

Nobody wins in butt chicken -either you have a finger in your butt, or your finger is in someone's butt.

by ambylove September 6, 2015

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licken chicken

Military radio slang for "loud and clear."

"Bravo One this is Tango Four Two, we got twelve nuns in the gap--they need some holy water. How copy, over?"

"Tango Four Two this is Bravo One, I hear you Licken Chicken, over."

by Johnnyboy77 August 5, 2007

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Perdue Chicken

Miley Cyrus

Nicki Minaj: "...I had just seen her after she was sucking Mike WiLL's dick in the studio. Like you sucked all that dick only to come out looking like a fucking perdue chicken on stage, and then got mad and went back to country music. Bitch sit your stupid ass the fuck down."
@PerdueChicken: "Thanks for the mention @NICKIMINAJ, but we don't know nothing about beef."

by finanna6 July 25, 2019

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