Source Code

band aid

some one who helps out in the band room when the director does not have a class usually doing sexual acts for him

she is a band aid you know what she does under the desk.

by jlo January 14, 2005

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hair band

Heavy metal bands in the late 1980s in which all the members have hair that's long and frizzy

Quiet Riot and Thin Lizzy are hair metal bands.

by Fry July 15, 2004

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band- aid

the thing nelly made notorious when he wore it around everywhere

Nelly got so cocky he took the band- aid off

by ey ey 1 March 6, 2005

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Naked band

A band that most often plays porn music,heavy metal,satanic rock ect. and are naked in there concert and they often have naked back up singers and/or dancers for all the guys.

Lets go see that naked band.

by Deep blue 2012 August 15, 2010

3๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

boy band

a bunch of sissy boys in a band that play pop music. ie: linkin park. contrary to popular belief the backstreet boys and nysnc are not boy bands. they only sing, therefore they are groups. you must have a few ppl playing instruments in your group to be considered a band.

"wow, look at those pussies singing on mtv. not another boy band, please!"
"theyre not a band you fucking moron."

by amanda September 7, 2003

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rubber banding

A type of "Self Harm" where instead of cutting, the person flicks a rubberband on their wrist.

1: "Do you cut?"

2: "No, I do rubber banding."

by unknown_waffle_eater March 7, 2013

18๐Ÿ‘ 96๐Ÿ‘Ž

Band Queer

a band nerd from the 70's who wore high pants, big glasses, and blue buttoned-up band sweaters to match other nerds.

the phrase "b.q's have more fun" is often seen written on the exterior of cars with various other hip words such as spiffy. the car is also more than likely smothered with rainbowsz and scientific equations.

-"did you see that one nerdy kid with the clarinet? his outfit is revolting!"
-"yeah, i heard he was a band queer."

by karl mciverson February 21, 2009

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