A young youtuber trying to do his best on the platform. He is an aspiring animator and video editor who likes to play video games with his friends. He sometimes like to play with another youtuber known as Metalliac gaming. One game he plays a lot on his channel is minecraft which he uses to make series such as Inescapable uncharted, Endless, and
Endless X.
Today I decided to play Minecraft with Warland Heroes.
The state of being a super hero without being super, but being a weirdo instead.
Wow Amber you really saved me back there, you're my weirdo hero!
That asshat who views every car in the merge lane as a challenge
See also: middle aged men with something to prove
The dude in that volvo is being a real left lane hero by trying to run me off the road
more commonly reffered to as "kristen" or a person that is extremely good at the game "guitar hero.
boy that guitar hero god is sure rocking this place up with her amazing skills.
a funny polite person who was inspired by an anime and began role-playing as deku in the bnha universe
hey have you heard of screming hero? who's that? oh he's a kid who role-playing as an anime character called deku and he's funny and has hilarious content on tik tok!!
A sad yet terrific movie you will cry but will try to hold back the tears but you just can't it is a great movie 9/10 would watch again.
person 1: damn big hero 6 was a good movie did you cry?
person 2: *holding back tears* no!
A skatepark hero is the skater at the park who shows off, drops in on you, and has no skatepark etiquette because they think they are the best.
Watch out, that skatepark hero is about the snake you again.