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Slay queen

A girl who love to flex but don't have money and also don't have brains

Amanda is a Slay queen

by XeBarbie January 20, 2022

Slay Queen

Someone who slays the day away or shows extreme emotion over excitement or happiness

She is a slay queen

by Im not doing a handle tbh mate November 5, 2023

Slay queen

Shut the fuck up

“Omg bestie, you slay queen”. “Please never talk to me again”

by YourLocalCow October 30, 2022

slay queen

slay queen is a girl that is really cool and sassy and has good style

omg slay go slay queen yass girl !

by Edeztheslayqueen£cool April 18, 2024

slay queen

Commenly used as a exprecion of exitment. Seeing something you like or think is cool.

For exampel your friend has been doing very well studing you can say : slay queen. Or on the street seeing someone you think loook coool or is doing something cool, you can say: slay queen

by slayqueen333 March 7, 2022

Slay queen

A word that a girl (typically degenerate piece of shits ones) would say. I do not fucking know why but they probably say that to boost another girls social hierarchy including theirs

“Hey I think this is the house where the girls were always saying “bombastic side eye” and “slay queen” in English class
*explosion noises*
“Don’t worry I already Oppenheimed the house”
fuck these cunts

by Tokyo Gilbert August 7, 2023

Slay Queen

När man i politiska sammanhang slayar något. Populärt främst i Södra Sverige.
Används ofta med tillägg vad du slayat inom som ex. en debatt eller matlagning.

Du är bäst! Slay Queen!

Alice du slayade debatten! Slay debatt-queen!

Sjukt bra fika! Slay-fikaqueen

by AnonymPolitikee September 24, 2022