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Chase Flick

A total sweetheart. This man will give you the best dick of your life then kiss you on the forehead. Looking into his eyes, causes you to fall in love everytime. This notion will bring you to heaven, causing you to feel like your floating. I’ve captured myself a chase and have been living the dream everyone else wishes they had. I'll never let go of my chase! Will you ?

man 1- is that a man with a big heart and dick ?

man 2- yess, that’s CHASE FLICK

by @misssshinebright_ November 24, 2021

Chase Folk


Yo you wanna play with Chase Folk? NAH HE ALREADY GOT 7 BASES SET UP TO GRIEF US!!!

by mynicknameisnickname October 26, 2020

Pokemon Chase

When you are trying to catch a pokémon for hours and it just keeps running away.

“Hey did you catch that mew yet?” “Nah bro, I’ve been on a pokemon chase forever.”

by DiaperSissy#1 May 27, 2023

Cheesy Chase

He is you typical big boy he likes cheese and his last name has burger in it so you can call him cheese burger

hey you see that big boy over there he looks like a burger he must be a Cheesy Chase

by wee tod February 5, 2020

Chase long

The baddest motherfucker out there he has got a rocking mullet that gets all the females in his town some even call him the pussy magnet!!! Other guys wish they could be like chase long

Man you see chase long he gets all the bitches

by Adolf olivernipples January 18, 2021

clout chasing

When an attacker decides to finish off an injured defender with a claymore, rather than using a more conventional method such as shooting or knifing.

Aaron: Damn dawg, you straight clout chasing for that one.
Derek: Hey man, it was funny as hell.

by bruhbruh696969 January 31, 2021

Clout Chasing

When someone tries to gain clout off of another person, whether alive, or dead.

"RIP Takeoff, APB clip dumb."
This was a video from Michael from Atlanta, this use of clout chasing it by him referencing a diseased rapper, Takeoff.

by Stairoidsss November 7, 2022