A generic singer who makes bland, overplayed songs designed for the lowest denominator music listeners. Aka, normies. Also, somehow thinks he's a master guitarist.
Alex: What's your favorite song?
Sophia: Bad Habits - Ed Sheeran.
Alex: Ew that song sucks, listen to good music like Justin Timberlake and Bruno Mars. Normie!
the hottest person on planet earth and the only acceptable ginger.
You dont like ed sheeran?
"i will come murder your entire family you little shit."
A dude (or dudette), while going down on a chick blows, making the sound of a horse braying, resulting in a queef.
"Dude, I gave Ellen a Mister Ed and she made me sleep on the couch for a week!"
An abbreviation of the beer, Tooheys Extra Dry Platinums.
What did you drink last night?
Shared a carton of ed platinums with a mate, got shit faced.
Fat Ed is the largest man in the universe. Everyone fucks his Mom very violently and don’t forget, he’s dangerous and very, very fat.
Corona Ed is a guy who's got a heart of gold but gets treated like shit by females , he's always told it's not his fault. He gets the"it's not you, it's me" Everytime a girl cheats and leaves him. he's the life of the party, his signature move is sliding down stairs with a frozen burrito in his mouth while intoxicated. He a best friend every guy wants to have. Awesome Wingman. Always takes one for the team.
That Travis is a Real Corona Ed, did you see him slide down the stairs with that burrito in his mouth?
A special day when the fb communities best fingerboarders releases epic fingerboarding edits 😎
Day of ed is always on a Sunday