Source Code

White Line Fever

An addiction to cocaine.

Andy: What's wrong with Danny?
Matt: He has white line fever.

by AskingAndria January 3, 2015

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Rhythm Heaven Fever

The third Rhythm Heaven game made by Nintendo. It came out for the Wii in 2012 in America. The game is only controlled using A or A and B, only using the D-pad to navigate menus. It has 50 rhythm based games, 5 endless games, a two player mode, and other fun extras.

Hey, I just got a Wii with Rhythm Heaven Fever!

by Copy the Compcom May 26, 2020

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stray cat fever

When a person, sometimes despite having a home of thier own, wonders from place to place wearing out their welcome and burning bridges along the way without returning to thier own home. These places typically consist of the residence of friends or distance relatives. A person suffering from this affliction will often discard cleanliness and, when female, will sleep with countless partners as long as drugs and shelter are provided.

That girl has stray cat fever worse than her mom did. Give her a couple beers and she's ready to move in. How are we going to get rid of her.

by notsurewhyweneedthis February 22, 2010

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Pants on the Ground Fever

An overwhelming desire to sing the song "Pants on the Ground."

Peyton Manning had Pants on the Ground Fever at that game a few months ago.

by Dr. Malpractice March 4, 2010

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Snow White Fever

When a black man likes a white woman.

Contradicts Jungle Fever

You saw teshawn wit that white bitch? Yeah i saw them that nigga got snow white fever

by Drew February 20, 2005

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Weekend Fever

A bad case of the "Mondays" when you don't feel like working and you still feel hungover with tiredness and lack of motivation.

After having three days off, I have a bad case of Weekend Fever as I can't dive into my work.

by LA Bee September 7, 2010

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green fever

green fever: when your friend can't handle his weed and pukes to try and come down.

Kid: dude rip this bong.
Pussy: Just looking at the bong makes me gag *blauauaugh*
Kid: lmao, you got green fever. fuckin pussy

by catsmasher45 March 8, 2018

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