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Hawk Attack

The feeling of almost having a heart attack when the Seattle Seahawks are losing late into the 4th quarter.

The Seahawks gave me another hawk attack last night with that come from behind win late in the 4th quarter.

by Mr12 October 12, 2020

Afghani Black Hawk

Sexual act in which, while penetrating your partner, you spin using your penis as a pivotal point, like a helicopter.

Crikey mate, I hit my Sheila with the Afghani Black Hawk this arvo, it was fire.

by Gulf War Doctor April 1, 2020


Verb: Staring at someone or something intently or obsessively; watching them/it like a hawk

“You gotta quit hawk-watching me to make sure I’m not sleeping.”

by ScibenX March 5, 2022

Purple Hawk

A specimin of hawk thats cool becaause it has blue feathers

"oh look a purple hawk, i wish i was as cool as that pupl hawk"

by DAPSTART August 11, 2018


A hairstyle commonly worn by CTY Res life staff, it invokes the style of hard-rock and Punk, within in a contemporary and more simplistic setting. The Joe-Hawk is often considered the pinnacle of hair styling for those who have been blessed to have seen it. It is gelled up in the front to form a peak of greatness, followed by flowing streaks of a well groomed mane.

Guy 1: Who and what was that?
Guy 2: Shoot fool that was Jack the coolest guy around rocking the Joe-Hawk.
Guy1: Awesome

by JoeHawk140 July 12, 2010

Joe Hawk

A young ass eating male who sounds like Batman.
A West haven idol

Oh my god I was packing the section and saw someone Joe Hawking

by Aids apple February 10, 2020