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holding up four fingers

holding up for fingers (specifically if joe wintour holds them up) means that he is a gay individual that gets no bitches and likes it up the bum

joe is holding up four fingers as a way of expressing himself

by xodjfrhdiejfofkdx May 18, 2023

Hold my dick

Phrase said to clergy when they try to molest you.

Priest: Hey, sweet boy. Wanna try something new?
Choir boy: Hold my dick, creep!

by armerlinsea April 17, 2022

2👍 2👎

foot holding

The act of holding something open with you foot. Mainly used to hold open a door when your hands are full or you don't want to touch a public door. Mostly seen done on Long Island in bars or clubs.

"The line for the stalls in the bathroom was so long that it extended outside the restroom and the girls in the door frame were foot holding the door open because their hands were holding beer"

by LIfeethold May 28, 2016

Holding happiness hostage


Hym "I think you're holding happiness hostage. 'You don't deserve to be happy unless you adopt one of the acceptable axiomatic frameworks of perception and if your refuse to do it I'm justified in cannibalizing you.' Is what you're really saying. No. Not doing it AND I'm not going to let you punish me for not doing it. I'll punish you for trying to punish me. You'll look like an complete idiot. I'll do the thing I was going to do anyway. Everybody wins."

by Hym Iam August 14, 2023

Holding up 0

Means the person is obsessed with Grant

Person 1: why you holding up 0?

Person 2: because I’m obsessed with Grant

by Dictionary’s Pet July 22, 2022

hold onto your panties

An expression from an Indiana man that is likely not a good fighter pilot.

The sac wanted Jason to come to the firepit but he was watching Top Gun and yelled out, “hold onto your panties!”

by Bobdonis November 13, 2020

National Hold Hands Day

April 13th

You will hold hands with someone National Hold Hands Day

by PlayboySins April 8, 2022