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idiot mark

The name that is often given to a tattoo that an inked individual later regrets in life. An idiot mark is also something one does that leaves a permanent mark, scar, or disfigurement such as caused by setting themselves on fire with a flame thrower, or doing the eraser challenge.

(My grandfather speaking) You know what this is pointing to arm ? This is my idiot mark. I got it while I was in the Navy and I've regretted it ever since.

( Parent to child ) I've warned you about the eraser challenge, and now you'll have a permanent idiot mark for the rest of your life.

by Daniel H. B. February 7, 2018

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idiot mark

When the rifle scope hits your nose or eye and leaves the idiot mark FOREVER

when you're first learning to use a gun, so you hold it wrong and break your own nose from holding it wrong. the idiot mark is the dent in your face from the gun hitting it

by slingshotmeow April 1, 2018

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Idiot Party

a Party Consisting Of Only Idiots

Hey look over there you cock sucking son of a bitch.

What is it you Piece of Shit?

Theres an Idiot party at that house.

Cool, I love Tables.

by That_Guy_With_A_Really_Long_Na December 29, 2010

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the forum idiot

seems to think freedom of speach is a licence to write whatever old nonsense he or she likes, yet doesnt grant this luxury to anyone who dares disagree with them. Harbours some pretty abhorrent views on minorities, but usually stops short of actually admiting their true feelings. Gets incredibly angry when reading sensationalised tabloid headlines, believes everything they have ever been told by anyone. Trys to end debates with "well thats your view!!!!!", probably punctuates posts with an insane amount of smilies

arrrgghh! I saw a muslim (well he looked muslim :-) :-( ) park in a disabled bay today, with his bleedin boyfriend!!!!!!! :-()()()()( :-xxxx I DONT KNOW WHY WE DONT JUST GO AND LIVE IN RUSSIA!!!!!!!!!!111111!!!!!!!!!! the forum idiot

by baggadagger44444 March 25, 2010

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Someone who voted for Biden, typically believes that Biden is anti-racist despite all evidence pointing otherwise. Really only voted for Biden because "orange man bad". At most only knows 1 of Biden's policies.

Them: "I don't care if Joe made history for having the most executive orders in his first week. And I don't care that thousands and thousands of people lost their jobs because of him! Orange man bad! Dictator good!"

Any rational person: "You are just a Bi-idiot."

by Nevervoteblue February 19, 2021

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consists of the prefix "nick" usually involving suffixes such as "starks" and "sherrill". tends to do stupid things. isn't familiar with the words "brain" "heart" or "noggin"

karma comes to one who is an "idiot".

by s0megurl May 17, 2011

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Fucking Idiot

Somebody who knows absolutely nothing on the matter they're arguing.

"That fucking idiot over there, see him? He's called Bogleech and he butts in to shit all the time and he doesn't know left from fucking right."

by Big Bad Judas May 10, 2015

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