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White Hat Theory

A theory which has been proven on numerous accounts in which any man wearing a white hat is guaranteed to get poon that night.

Max's night certainly backs up White Hat Theory. Rather than hooking up with butch chicks like usual, he decided to rock his new white hat and, in turn, got with some hot slore at the Jug.

by mike_hellraiser_tyson March 12, 2009

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einsteins theory of relativity

A theory by a man called Albert Einsteins (with a crazy hairstylist) which clearly defines :
0. E = MC^2, thats E for energy, M for mass and C for speed of light!
1. No matter can excede the speed of light
2. Speed of light is constant for all, irrespective of their motion.
3. You can not go back in time and have sex with elvis or anyone for that matter!

Some parts of the theory are still unproven practically, but only proven theorotically

Girl 1 : I wanna have sex with elvis!
Girl 2 : Sorry babe! Einstein won't let ya!
Girl 1 : WTF is this enistein?
Girl 2 : Read this you dumbass, E=MC^2.. and so on..
Girl 1 : So its all because of the bloody einsteins theory of relativity, damn
Girl 2 : And we can't do anything about that bastard!

by Aky July 18, 2006

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karma redistribution theory

The principle whereby if you feel you have been 'wronged' by karma, you are entitled to take steps to right that wrong.

I've lost a bloody fiver! Karma Redistribution Theory says I should walk into the bookies and slap a fiver on Red on roulette and it will win.

by mids99 July 14, 2009

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Dwidian's Love Theory

The theory popularized by famous anthropologist Steven Dwidian which states that the best way to find out if you are in love with them is to have crazy animal sex with them as much as possible.

I think we need to test out Dwidian's Love Theory before we call our relationship quits.

by Todd M April 9, 2007

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Queer and feminist Theories

Jiberish spread by morons and idiots

Dr. Dyke and Dr. Bendover earned their PhDs in Queer and Feminist theories. They applied to all the liberal colleges and universities in the United States. They got professorship jobs at Sarah Lawrence College, and they produced an endless horde of welfare queens with huge student loans. Their welfare queens screamed for a government bail out.

by queensburykid July 30, 2022

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Magic Box Theory

The idea that certain devices or contraptions are inherently "magic" in some way and mere mortals are incapable of understanding their inner-workings. Some devices subject to "magic box theory" are (but are not limited to) computers, car engines/transmissions, microwaves, televisions, radios, calculators, etc.

Believers of the magic box theory are easily singled out by judging the reaction after giving them a simple request such as "open your hood" or "open the side of your computer".

A commonly held belief among Magic Box Theorists is that these devices have a will of their own with some sort of propensity toward a specific behavior. They can be heard stating that their "computer is acting funny" or that their "car is behaving differently", completely oblivious to the fact that computers and cars do not behave, they are behaved upon.

I told my boss's wife I could fix her computer. She said that's impossible because something is wrong with the "inside parts". Apparently she is a "Magic Box Theorist".

My boss wasn't sure if his car had antifreeze for the winter so I told him to open his hood and check. He freaked out and nearly choked to death on his tea. He, like his wife, subscribes to the "Magic Box Theory"

My friend's dad got a new TV and I set it up. A few days later he calls me and says "I pressed some button on the remote and now the TV isn't acting right". I'm sure that may have something to do with what action was taken on the TV e.g., the remote. Apparently, my friend's dad is a "Magic Box Theorist"

by CPUOverclocker64 December 14, 2009

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Point of no return theory

The point of no return theory is when you take a member of the opposite sex (usually female) home to have sexual relations/fellatio. As you take off your clothing, she realizes that you have a tiny penis and/or a beer belly, but since you have already gotten to this point she might as well hook up with you--hence the point of no return. Essentially, a common bond amongst the ugly people of America where hope is found.

Once my pants came off she had to keep going--proof of the Point of no return theory.

by TittySwass March 18, 2013

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