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cookie puss

A condition describing a vagina caked with the crumbling residue of dried pussy juice. May cause itching, and leaves small crumbs when scratched or rubbed.

Can also be used as a derogatory term or nickname for a woman exhibiting such a condition.

Cookie Puss: "These pussy crumbs are making me itch! Maybe I should scratch..."

"After I made Heather come and came on her tits, I paused to chief, then I ate that cookie puss.

by Fussy Pucker April 13, 2011

44๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sugar Cookie

When you are having sex on the beach; you finish all over the girl, grab a hand full of sand and throw it on her and the sand sticks to your baby batter.

We were at the beach and I gave my girlfriend a sugar cookie, she loved it."

by Pdj12 August 6, 2009

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Cookie Shark

A shark made completely out of cookies.

Damn Andy, that cookie shark damn near bit my leg off, but I managed to punch it in the nose.

by Slava Slav October 29, 2006

7๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

wolfe cookie

A 60s term for a womans hairy private part.

Did you get some-of-that wolfe cookie last night?

by lil miss April 6, 2006

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Cookie shooting

A group of guys masterbating, trying to cum on a cookie. The last one to cum must eat the cookie

I got drunk last night and we played cookie shooting. It taste like shit

by Hasapas June 15, 2007

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Mexican Cookie

A game invented by frat boys as a hazing ritual.

The pledges circle around a cookie or cracker and all masturbate until ejaculating onto the cookie / cracker. The last pledge to cum must eat the "Mexican Cookie"

Frat Boy #1: Pledge number 4 was the last to cum, he has to eat the mexican cookie!
Pledge #4: Doesn't anyone find this a little gay?
Frat boy #2: No way man, we're frat boys! Nothing we do in hazing rituals could ever possibly be construed as homosexual!

by Celestika February 22, 2009

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shitty cookies

You're having anal while eating freshly baked cookies or cookie dough.

Gangster G wanna-be: "Yo, me and my chick last night did some shitty cookies."

Gangster B for real gangster: "For real dog? I bet she be all up in that yummy goodness."

Gangseter G wanna-be:"You know how it be."

by gigglesmagee October 9, 2009

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