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Crusty Loser

A person who displays a serve lack of skill at Rainbow six seige. Often characterized by the use of shotguns or other such aids wepons

Mate, i knew were you were at all times you crusty loser

by Big Janty February 20, 2018

hurtin loser

a hurtin loser is a big fag, these people often stick fingers in their asses, sometime they even go for the whole fist.
sometimes these people call for other hurtin losers so they can feel better

EX. Hurtin losers called and they want you.

This can apply to anyting. Another example is

Hurtin hockeygames called and they want this on or every hockey game in creston is hurtin so it doesnt matter

by bob vila January 23, 2005

jew to loser

To start bullying a woman even though you were innocent at first

Man, that big guy went from jew to loser.

by Thegamerblocky June 7, 2023

swag losers

A very swaggy friendgroup :)

Person: Omg, they’re so cool! who are they?
Person2: You don’t know them? They’re swag losers!!

by swaggykid101 July 10, 2021

A conceited loser

People who make urban dictionary definitions about themselves and make it seem like they are the greatest person on earth but really they are some 40yr old person stuck in their parent's home.

You are a conceited loser NEO

by shamless044 June 14, 2023

Niggerdick loser

A 20+ year old individual who has no job, no money, no future and lives in their parents house rent free while playing video games all day.

Ever since Kevin moved into his step dads house and quit his old job, he’s been a niggerdick loser.

by Siax February 20, 2024

Nigger dick loser

Someone who is 20+ years old, lives in their parents house, and has no job or future ahead of them.

Kevin can’t afford to buy any games because he’s a nigger dick loser.

by Siax March 16, 2024