A loving, carefree man who sadly lost his wife in a coma at a very young age. She was 14. Mr. Wright is a big fan of people called Janet, but if you are named anything else, he will despise you and all that you are worth. He’s destroyed planets, ended bloodlines, all for Janet.
Janet: *quiet lung breathing sounds*
*Mr. Wright runs into Janets room*
Jan is dead
The annoying teacher who said read the sentence and conjuring and terminator
Mrs. Sheehand to read the sentence and looks for terminators or periods
The man, Mr sethi is the man and is willing to throw down with anyone
There is Mr sethi the man calling girls cheeky
A metaphor for a person of great mass resembling a large animal such as a bull.
But down the cake, you don't want to end up being a Mrs Bull
The gayest person, the gayest, absolute biggest homosexual, big gay, very, very gay.
"Hello I am Mr. Roach, I love men."
Mr. Gunsinger is the best teacher EVER! He is awesome, funny, and AMAZING at art...like reallly awesome. You'd be a very lucky student to be taught by Mr. Gunsinger because he is cool and teaches in an awesome way. He is known as Mr. T. G. Awesome, because he is just SO awesome. So like, yea.
In conclusion: Mr. Gunsinger is an awesome teacher!
Wow, look at that awesome teacher! I bet he's a Mr. Gunsinger.
The meme master of the fourth dimension, will not hesitate to destroy with facts and awesomeness. A fellow brethren, committed wizard who spends his days helping the younglings. All around a pretty cool dude.
Goblin Student: Hey did you hear, Mr. Berkaslan actually cares about the well being of his students.