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Mouth fuck

A mouth fuck is wear a man presses his mouth up against your clit pushing hard and hard until the women orgasms.

Tym gave me the most nicest mouth fuck last night I cumed on his face

by Tym xx March 2, 2019

8๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

fuck mouth

noun< used in reference to annoying child disturbing their mothers while they are talking with other adults

mother.. so i said yes lets make pizza for dinner

child.. mommy mommy mommy mommy


by DR.SPOCK September 28, 2009

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Shovel Mouth

Where a person has a tendancy to 'dig a hole' every time they speak, and continue to do so on a particular subject.

"Everything he said made him sound more and more convincingly gay. He had a serious case of shovel mouth!"

by Muggus November 26, 2003

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Hooker Mouth

Having open sores in or around the mouth. Having oral Herpes.

I've been so stressed out this week, I broke out with a serious case of hooker mouth.

by kp-dog April 5, 2012

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A condition where your mouth needs to be smacked. This could be because of something stupid you said (1) or simply because you have a tete-a-claques (2).

1. Imagine you are a girl talking to a friend of yours who is a man:

You: Women don't like it when men sit around watching sports and scratching their privates.
Your friend (incredulously): What?
You: No, I'm serious... it's a real turn-off.
Your friend (shrugging): Hmph... either way, it looks like you might have a bit of a case of smack-mouth.
You: What? What's ...?
You: Oh... oh, I guess I do have smack-mouth.

2. Imagine you are standing at the bus stop. A kindly stranger approaches you...

Stranger (pointing at your lip): Excuse me, you seem to have smack-mouth.
You (fumbling with your mouth): Huh? Smack-mouth? What's ...?
You (ruefully): Oh, I guess I do have smack-mouth.

by Mouth Smacker September 20, 2006

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Mouth Breather

A subspecies of Homo-sapiens known for their lack of any intelligence whatsoever. Their young are raised entirely on a diet of Ribena and Chicken Nuggets, whilst the adults have no interests other than Stella Artois and ITV2.

Dude, did that mouth breather just trip over his own foot?

by sugarcoatedGandhiman February 10, 2011

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A person who has a very big mouth

Sarah is muckle-mouthed

by Melissa April 16, 2005

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