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National Josh Day

April 24-

A day to commemorate the legendary Josh Fight that took place at Legendary Josh Battlefield, April 24, 2021


by raza21 April 24, 2021


A day where we all celebrate Bertram the butler from jessie. He is a wonderful man

Hey! do you like Bertram?
Yes I Do!
Then Lets Celebrate National Bertram Day!

by DailyBertram October 24, 2020

National Mariah Day

National Mariah Day is a day were you celebrate all the Mariah's around the world. National Mariah Day is on Nov 3rd.

Oh! It's Nov 3rd! You know what that means! NATIONAL MARIAH DAY!!!

by Yagirlbettie December 12, 2021

National rape day

Bestie who mf teached you? this is just stupid let girls have there pravicy and how is rape funny in the first place this is just disgusting you should go back to school and learn how to respect womens and children. Whoever made this holiday get help please get therapy because this is just getting out of hand besides I may already have said this twice but this whole national thing is stupid as heck

random girl: have you heard of national rape day?
Random girl 2: yes I have and it shouldn't even be a thing like what its just disgusting

by +&&@&-**-*@ April 15, 2021

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National fingering day

On april 15th single or taken grab a bitch and go at it

April 15rh is national fingering day I'm finna finger my girl

by Foreals.net April 12, 2019

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National cuddle day

On April 11th you have to cuddle with someone you love for 20 minutes

Today is National cuddle day

by Moneymadesis April 11, 2018

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Turtle Nation

A sex position where one person jumps on another and rides on their back as the first person starts rocking back and forth.

I want to do Turtle Nation now.

So this is how turtle do it?

Ah yeah!

by Stan Walker September 1, 2008

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