What a woman sees when three or more sexual partners penis or penis replacements are stacked shortest to longest before penetration occurs. The view will resemble penis head, on top of penis head, on top of penis head, and so on and so forth if attempting more.
Also can be viewed in the same manner in oral situations. This is not limited to women just being the recipiant in the oral view.
Person 1
Me, Bryan and Timmy gave Mary her first view of a Scrotum Pole.
Person 2
It's Bryan, Timmy, and I ....
Person 1
Hey fellas, looks like we got another english major wanting to take her turn on the scrotum pole!
A stripper or pole dancer who is far past her prime, either due to age, drugs, lack of fitness or general misuse, who has yet to realize how unattractive she is not only on stage, but as a human being.
"That pole roach on the side stage is HIDEOUS!!" or "The mustachioed stripper on the side stage is a complete pole roach. Who the fuck hired her?"
The action of sticking ur dick in a pot of soup and then dipping it in some sugar, and then fucking yo bitches ass hole
What you see when lying on yer side in da bed of a cruising pickup truck and watching da "rhythmically-wavy" line of da roadside utility-service cables going past.
If it had been da infamous "Hot Rod Lincoln" (as opposed to just a "regular" or "everyday" vehicle traveling at a "normal" 50-to-60 miles per hour) dat an observer had been riding in when watching da passing electric-wires, said wires would probably have resembled a "rapid heartbeat" EKG-line rather than just a moderate-speed "Pole-dowwwwwn,uhhhhhp-pole-dowwwwwn,uhhhhhp-pole..." --- da song specifically states dat "da telephone poles looked like a picket fence".
The art of a stripper grappling your gear and placing it in her mouth.
Aaron:Wow... That stripper Chick racheal is so hot. Maybe she can do something strange for some change.
Racheal ( the stripper) hey... You got 50 bucks? I can smoke my pole in your truck! .
A person that watches the pole..
Barry said watch that pole..
Get off my pole says Barry I'm watching the pole step aside please..
Me: what are you looking at Barry??
Barry: I'm head of the pole watchers club I am looking at that pole over there how big and long..
Me: oh you really do like poles huh..
Barry said smake that bitch up side the head with your pole that'll teach her.. dam pole smoker