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To pull a jackson

To insult a teachers age

To pull a Jackson on ms.Smith is to insult her age

by Spotlight uhh March 8, 2019

Pulling a Phil

The act of turn left from a right hand lane while honking your horn, waving your hands in the air and yelling crazily at the car in the left lane

This shitty insurance salesman in a Buick was pulling a Phil next to us at the stop sign in BFE Ohio, so we followed him for a while and kept honking our horn to piss him off.

by BigTman May 24, 2012

6👍 2👎

pulling a willam

pulling a willam refers to doing something against the rules and getting asked to leave.

Also could mean going out without an undergarment and flashing people your privates.

Guy: 'look shes pulling a Willam'

Guy 2: 'i can see her slip n' slide'

guy 3: 'omg, becky pulled a total Willam last night'

guy 4: 'So thats why she was asked to leave'

by white_rabbit_alice February 19, 2013

pull a mint

The act of pretending to have an item stolen in order to file a false insurance claim.

Chris didnt have any money so he had to "pull a mint" and hope the insurance company would pay his claim.

by Slade the Leveller April 12, 2007

Pulled a Houdini

When you're dating a guy or girl for a few months and one day they just stop answering your texts or calling you back, essentially disappearing off the face of the earth because they don't have the backbone to break up with you.

"Hey, how're things going with you and your man, Dylan?"
"They're not. He totally pulled a Houdini on my ass"
"Aw, that sucks man."

by Locococorico March 27, 2014

Pull a Dickie

To say you are going to do something / go somewhere and eventually never show off. Lame excuses are used when "pulling a Dickie" such as checking the email, having to meet the wife or being a total douche.

A couple of friends are walking to see a third one when suddenly one of them starts walking the wrong way.

-"Hey, what are you doing! Weren't you supposed to come with me?"

-"Mhhh...sorry but my wife hits me if I don't get home before 7PM."

-"What a douche! Don't try to pull a Dickie on me."

by Yona_London March 10, 2009

Pulled a Viacom

To have all other users/your personal and private data stolen by a greedy, money-grabbing company/conglomerate.

Named after Viacom who did it to YouTube.

Guy: Man, I've just found out that the RIAA pulled a Viacom. :/

by LaClown July 11, 2008