Someone who utilizes WebMD as the primary means to determine what she has a life threatening illness.
Person #1: “I think I’m having a stroke. WebMD said so.”
Person #2: Oh boy! You’re such a Rachelle!”
Rachelle is a girl who believes that Google is the sole source for medical diagnosis and communicates her findings to her medically experienced mom.
That’s so if Rachelle to believe Google that she’s dying.
a short, brown haired girl. she takes almost nothing seriously and doesnt know how to show her emotions resulting in an awkward little blob. she always looks mad or upset, but she really isnt.
she can be pretty funny and is very sensible and mature for her age.
almost certainly an introvert or ambivert. she is only comfortable around certain people and when she is she can be pretty annoying but still fun to hang with.
wow, she looks upset.
*asks if shes upset*
rachelle: no what are you talking about lmao
A woman of great presence, that doesn't need introduction as her presence defines her being. Also known as Boo Bunny and often is in the presence of KP the Persian Charmer.
I went to a party and was Rachelled... everyone couldn't take their eye off of me because of my Charming Persian arm candy KP.
Rachelle is a virgo. She describes as cute and small but surely terrible. She also has a friend named Jaja and Jess.
Rachelle: Hey guys!
Jaja: Hello
Jessica: Hi Rachelle! Take care always.
Rachelle is the drunken alter ego of Rachel from Alvin. Unlike Rachel, Rachelle Sterenes is from HOUSTON. She is a wild wrecking ball that likes to chase “Chads” and steal their flatbilled hats.
If you find Rachelle give her a Dew driver and she will leave you alone, or try to do you. It can go either way.
P.S. she will hurt you
Hey is that Rachel?
Oh fuck no that’s Rachelle, Run.