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Retard city

An area consumed of mostly retards.

An abundance of morons in one area.

β€œHey George, how was work yesterday?”
β€œIt was horrible, retard city.”

by Stephen WS November 2, 2018

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retard yodel

The goofy, inappropriate noises an uneducated individual makes in lieu of stimulating conversation; inappropriate laughing.

I asked him "how's it going?" and all he said was the retard yodel.

by Cadmus Joe February 6, 2007

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retard porn

Noun: 1. Pornographic movies or pictures depicting individuals who have mental retardation (e.g. Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, etc.) having sex and performing various sexual acts.

2. Really funny/fucked up shit.

Dude #1: Shit bro, what's wrong with that porn slut's eyes...they're all cross-eyed and shit.

Dude #2: Na, that's normal, it's retard porn.

Dude #1: Man that's fucked up. The dude's slapping the back of her head and screaming like a howler monkey.

by Ryan Mor January 22, 2012

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hardcore retarded

A situation, instance, individual, something that is mentally retarded to the next power or to the extreme.

The band, Nickelback is hardcore retarded.

by s__money May 19, 2008

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hillbilly retard

See George W. Bush. He is one.

George W. Bush is a hillbilly retard.

by TMr June 24, 2005

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Social Retard

Person who is having or showing a lack of desire, social education, manners or up-brining to respect time/polite gestures/friendship/companionship/welfare of another members of the human society.

Alex is a social retard who changed his mind and cancelled a date 5 minutes before the dinner.

by OB84Social May 24, 2010

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Retarded Ejaculation

During masturbation when about to blow your load a completely disgusting image pops into your head. Your load merely dribbles down the sides of your dick.

Josh- I was jacking off last night and all of a sudden i pictured Rosie O'Donnell's naked body.... i had a Retarded Ejaculation

by my pet tit August 26, 2011

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